Cherry Rain

Cherry Rain is a pattern that is based on the fascination of the volatile time of the cherry flower . We wanted to portray the feeling of impermanence and the rhythm that occurs when the leaves singels down over the pines. Cherry Rain comes in three colourways, inspired by daily changing light, Dawn, Dusk and Midnight.

Complementary pattern, Cherry Drops, exists as a cotton blanket in three colorways.

Produced by Klippan Yllefabrik, Sweden, launched in january 2014

Studio Amanda & Matilda consists of textile designers Amanda Boierth and  Matilda Ekström  The studio was founded in 2013 and aims to create modern, boldfabrics with a durable expression.

M.  T.+46 70 8829934 A. Malmgatan 16, 211 32 Malmö

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